Sunday, May 11, 2014

Importance of Mother

For the last month I have been doing the dreaded task of cleaning up old files that I have stored in the attic.  I have kept 21 years of records on Brandon.  Every school assignment, paper, homework, IEP goals and objectives, medical records, nursing homes, Medicaid information, you name it I kept it.  When I have to deal with the records it is almost an unbearable task.  This is because there are boxes and boxes of records. But also because it is very emotional.  Finally two weeks ago I went through all of the boxes and shredded hundreds of pages of records.  I went from around 30 big boxes to around 4.  Why did I keep all this stuff? I was afraid I may have an issue with Brandon's school, insurance, Medicaid, SSI and would need these records to verify Brandon's abilities and conditions.  I still have all of Brandon's important medical records, but threw away school records that are not important at this point.  There are also some very sweet and amazing papers included in the boxes.  I found this one and decided to post today for all you mom's. Included in the page is a note from Brandon's aide stating that Brandon had the aide write this for an assignment.  They typed it up and laminated it for me.

Importance of Mother

My Mom is important to me.  I need food, shelter, and air but my Mother is the most important person that I need.  I need her love.  

My Mother gives me support.  She helps me with my homework.  She helps me feel better when I am sick.  Also, she helps me with my chores.  She comforts me when I am upset.  

Another important thing that my Mother does is to love me.  She hugs me.  I can count on her always.  She is very responsible about taking care of me.  My Mother knows me more than anybody.  

I watch movies during the holidays with my Mother.  I like spending time with her.  My Mom makes me my favorite meal Marconi and cheese.  My mom accepts me for who I am.  Spending time with my Mom makes me happy.  

I love the way my Mom supports me even when I don't want to do something.  I may say, "Why me?" but I know it is because my Mom loves me.  Sometimes I don't want to clean up my room. My Mom encourages me to do things even when I don't want to because she knows me better than anyone and she knows when to push me.  Most of all, I love her hugs. Those I can always count on.   

By Brandon Rummel

I always tell Brandon that I am the luckiest Mom in the whole world because I can have hugs and kisses whenever I want.  Happy Mothers Day everyone.

More later

1 comment:

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