Wednesday, May 27, 2015

A Week to Celebrate

Let's Celebrate.  Brandon has worked so hard for 22 years.  Right after birth Brandon received services from Easter Seals.  He worked so hard trying to learn how to swallow, sit up, move his arms, hands and legs and finally taking those few first few steps.  He was so determined.  He then started school at 3 and worked on reading, math, spelling, all the things kids learn at an early age.  Each success was celebrated even if they took years.  Brandon began spelling words, telling time, starting to eat food through his mouth and many other skills that so many people take for granted.  All had to be learned in Brandon own time.  I have been so amazed over the years how hard Brandon works and his success from all the hard work.  We went through grade school, middle school, high school. There were 100's of people who have impacted his life through their efforts to help Brandon succeed.  I AM SO PROUD OF MY SON.

Brandon has two more days of school and then he will start his life without school supports next week. We both have senioritis and we both are sad and happy.  For Brandon he is going to miss the people at school, the instant socialization with many peers and all the great support he has received through the program.  I really dont know how they do it.  Brandon's Adult Transition Program has 45 young adults going to jobs, going to classes off campus, doing social activities, with support, without support, you name it.  It is all individual.  I don't know how they keep up and I am amazed at what a great staff the school has working with these young adults.  So he will miss this.  But he also is ready to see what life will be after school just like many of his high school friends.  And he is counting the days he will be done.

I will miss the great support, the routine of the day, having other young adults around everyday and everything Brandon has learned through the program.  But I am really ready to let Brandon live his own life without the structure of school, the paperwork, the rules that sometimes dont bend when needed and those pesky ARD meetings.  These are planning meetings to develop Brandon's educational plan for the year.  I may have senoritis worse than Brandon.

Last week, the parents, the graduates and the school decided to celebrate with a graduation lunch. Brandon has already walked across the stage and received his acknowledgment on completion of high school.  This is about completion of all the hard work of 22 years to prepare Brandon in the best way possible to be a success.  I cant thank all the people enough who have worked with him over the years.  You have made a difference.

The other great news - The University of Texas liked Brandon's work so much through this program and he has become such a part of their team, they are hiring and paying Brandon to continue his work he has learned.  He begins in June.  SUCCESS.

This weekend Brandon's network will start work on what the new schedule will look like, including his new job.  Great news all around.
 Here are a few pictures.

Brandon's graduation trophy (he deserved it)

 One of Brandon's first lead teacher's. A big influence in his life

 Brandon's current job coach
 Brandon's occupational therapist and big Beatles supporter
 One of Brandon's job coaches
 Brandon bus driver for the entire time he has been at ATS.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Love, Loss and Mother's Day

A few weeks ago, I attended a memorial for a friend's daughter.  I have known this family since Brandon started school in Dripping Springs in Kindergarten.  They live close by. Although our kids have different diagnosis, in some ways they are similar.  Both have been challenged with health issues early in life and have continued health challenges as they grew.  So I bonded with this family. 
Their daughter was two months older than Brandon, was so sweet and a joy to be around everyday she lived.  As our kids grew, our families would rely on each other for friendship, social gathers, questions on symptoms, doctors, medical equipment, school, social services and support. They have been present at every hospital stay I have had with Brandon since I have know them.  They feel my pain and I feel theirs.  That is why the memorial was so significant for both me and Brandon.

It also brings love and loss so close to home.  Brandon has been a fighter over the years and I am thankful for everyday he is here.  When my friends lose their children I cant help but grieve as well.  So I am trying to have a great mothers day this year.  I think a great mothers day for me will include a little rest, a lot of hugs and a little mommie time.

This mom's day we have a lot of changes now and in the near future.  It has been two years since I lost my mom.  I really miss her around this time of the year.  Brandon has 9 more days of school left.  He will leave school and will be in the adult world by the end of May.  Brandon has moved back in with me until he graduates.    Brandon's longtime companion is leaving at the end of May and will be working on new exciting other projects.  He has helped Brandon so much develop independent living skills and prepare him for this adult world.  Brandon will be mainly in Dripping Springs after May with the exception of the Beatles Radio show and his job at UT.  We have a whole new group of aides working with him starting this summer.  I have Brandon's condo on the market.  My oldest brother is leaving in May to go back to Italy after spending 6 months in the US.  Major changes for everyone.

Good news.  We are almost completely booked for the trip to London and Liverpool.  Plane tickets are booked and paid for, festival tickets paid, and tour of the "all things Beatles" is almost finalized.  Brandon is really excited about the upcoming trip. 

I did ask Brandon what he was going to do for Mothers Day.  He said "whatever you want to do I will do".  I can't ask for anything more.  I am one lucky mommy.  Happy mother's day everyone. 

More Later