Friday, March 29, 2019

As we know it today

Brandon has been diagnosed with invasive squamous cell carcinoma which is considered rare.  Based on the CT scans we did at MD Anderson the cancer has gone into the abdominal wall and into the stomach.  We have finally heard back from MD Anderson on the plan for Brandon at this stage.

MD Anderson is recommending surgery to remove all or as much of the cancer as possible with the following details:
1.  There will be two surgeons performing surgery on Brandon at MD Anderson.  One is Dr. Merrick Ross and his team from the dermatology oncology dept and the other is Dr. Naruhiko Ikoma and his team which specializes in robotics and gastric surgeries.
2.  Dr Ross will perform additional clearing of the tumors between the skin and the stomach including the abdominal wall.  That means the area they already removed will need to be larger because they found more cancer remaining.
3.  Dr Ikoma will be performing a robotic partial gastrectomy.  This means that they will remove the cancer in the stomach using robotics and will have to remove a portion of the stomach.

Needless to say this is a big surgery and could have major lifestyle changes for Brandon.  Surgery is scheduled for April 17th.  We are going back to MD Anderson next Thursday and Friday to meet with both teams and to get a better understanding of how long Brandon will be in the hospital, how long to expect for recovery, possible complications, diet after surgery, impact on his osteoporosis and scoliosis, his muscle tone for the future in his trunk, any additional treatments needed, recurrence of this type of cancer and any other thing I can think of.

So I ask for your help with this blog.  I am trying to make a list of questions to ask both doctors next week and things to consider.  If you have had cancer treatment in the past or know of someone you think I should ask please let me know of anything you think we should consider or ask.  If you have experience with any stomach surgery including bariatric surgery please let me know anything you think I need to ask or anything to consider.  Or if you have any medical expertise and just want to throw a few questions or things to think about to me feel free.  I am taking all of them now before we head down this path.

I am in the learning mode stage so we can make the best decisions for Brandon and know the impact for the future.  Thank you everyone who has reached out to me and all your support.


LindaRuthC said...

This is not what you asked for, but remember that we live in Houston and are retired. If we can help you in any way, we would be happy to. I will send you a FB private message with our phone numbers.
I saw Dr. Ross on Tuesday as he follows me for melanoma. I was fortunate in that they were able to remove it all and so far they have found nothing on my skin checks and chest x-rays.
Linda Collazos

Unknown said...

Sending love to you and Brandon and also prayers for the surgery.