Monday, June 3, 2019

Life is better with a hot bath

I know many of you out there can relate.  For you "bath people" there is nothing like soaking or playing in a hot bathtub.  For me it is one of the few times in the day when I can a little alone time, relax and regenerate.   For Brandon it is his independence, his time to unwind and his time to swish around some water.  If Brandon had his way he would do baths all day long.  He just loves them.  I want that for him as well.  But we are not there yet with this cancer recovery.  He hasn't been able to take a bath since Feb when he had his first surgery.

Once again the healing is not a simple process.  Several weeks ago Brandon started developing an open wound in the area where the stitches are located on the stomach.  I jumped on this due to the issues we had with the first surgery.  Luckily, anticipating possible complications and from good advice of past MD Anderson patients, I had MD Anderson write an order for home health in the event we needed nursing during recovery.  I called the home health agency and they were here the next day to look over the opening and start wound care. We began wound care.  Within a week another hole opened in the site with drainage coming out.  We began treating this area as well.  But last weekend I have to admit "Dr Rummel" was out of her element.  I was changing the wound bandages, helping Brandon with a shower, and getting him cleaned up when Brandon turned towards me with blood everywhere.  I started screaming because I have never seen that much blood.  Brandon just stood there looking at me like I had gone crazy.  Ha.  He calmly walked to the bed and I tried to put pressure on the site to stop the bleeding. Last weekend was Memorial Day weekend so no one was around for me to call or go see.  After I managed to get the blood to stop I got the bandage back on him.  But the next two days his bandage was soaked with blood.  The home health agency came over on Memorial day after sending them pictures.  They wanted Brandon to go to the ER.  I had visions of someone opening up the whole site again and an even bigger mess, possible hospital stay and a longer recovery.  So I waited and was able to talk to MD Anderson first thing Tuesday morning.  By then his bandages where just wet and not bloody.  We agreed it needed to be looked at but could wait until this week.  We will be heading there Tuesday.  

So we are still talking about this cancer thing.  Brandon really wants to take a bath and for several weeks that was all he talked about.  But now he is just going with the flow, not complaining, asking about the details of his next gig.  We have cut back on Brandon's activity level for the last week with all the drainage and I am hoping this week they can drain the site so we can continue with wound care without the drainage and the tunneling.  I know.  Just what you wanted to hear in the blog today.  So on to the good news.  Brandon played today with the Tenacious Tuesday group of young adults who connect through music.  Today was the monthly student showcase at Hudsons on Mercer.  It was a small group today but Brandon had fun.

 Tenacious Tuesday

The other topic of discussion is Paul McCartney.  At Christmas I bought Brandon tickets for Paul McCartney's concert in Arlington.  Brandon is talking non-stop Paul McCartney.  Not quite the same as seeing it from the side stage, but I do think Brandon is going to love seeing all the effects during the show and I know he will love hearing the full set.  He is pretty excited about our trip to Arlington.  Of course I cant travel to north Texas without booking a doctor's appointment.  I haven't forgotten that Brandon really needs the back surgery, so we are visiting with the scoliosis doctor while we are there.  

Our big goal for the next month is to get the wound completely healed, no nursing  and letting Brandon finally get back to his own independence.  Because life is better with a nice hot bath.  

All for now
Bath Clipart


Unknown said...

To: Leah From: Roger's mom , Becky Hausler
I read your post several times early this morning and just now again. I admire your instincts which are guiding you thru this setback. You have a strong moma heart. I admire that, too. The bloody drainage is a sign of good circulation; in the early stages of healing in a deep extensive abd wound, periodically removing the packing is so the wound can heal from the inside first. Draining out is a good sign. Removing the packing "irritates" the healing scab tissue inside and keeps the wound from healing and closing off into a pocket of warm wet areas like tunnels where germs can sprout creating pockets of infection. Sorry the draining scared you. Our sons are so strong thru adversity. It's us moms who get a little shakey. I am glad you are going to MDAH. Tuff decision not to go into ER here but I TOTALLY agree with you. Getting off my nurse soapbox hope you are not offended by my clinical eval. The Hauser's love and support you and your incredible son. Lot of praying going on over here for our friends Leah and Brandon.

Florence said...

I started on COPD Herbal treatment from Ultimate Health Home, the treatment worked incredibly for my lungs condition. I used the herbal treatment for almost 4 months, it reversed my COPD. My severe shortness of breath, dry cough, chest tightness gradually disappeared. Reach Ultimate Health Home via their website I can breath much better and It feels comfortable!