Thursday, August 28, 2008

Long Night and Better Day

Kristin did the night shift with Brandon last night. It was a long night of beeps, nurses, bedding changes and little sleep. She is looking forward to a good night's sleep tonight while I am on night duty. I feel asleep on Patrick's couch last night while watching TV only to wake to "Gabby", Patrick's new dog, licking my face. I did have a great night's sleep. Brandon is doing really good today, even though he did not have a good nights sleep. He is laughing and happy. They just took him off his epidural pain mediciation and we are trying regular pain medication. They will close his cast today. It is open to allow swelling and some oozing. That has seemed to become better overnight. If he can withstand the pain just on the pain medications for another 8 hours, they will remove this epidural. They have also ordered a wheelchair for him. He will use the wheelchair for the next month. We will return in a month to have the pins removed and have a brace placed on the leg. At that point he should be able to walk with the brace. Brandon will only be allowed to place weight on the toe of the foot for the next month. He will need to be transported otherwise in the wheelchair. Brandon is doing so well that the hospital is discussing possible friday or saturday discharge. We will let you know soon. Thanks

1 comment:

ivysgold said...

Brandon and Leah-- Congratulations to be this far along! It's great to hear that things are going so well post-surgery.

Brandon, I'll continue to keep you close in my prayers for your complete healing and comfort. Leah, I'll continue to keep you close in my prayers for your continued strength and good night's of sleep.

Hope you guys will be on your way home soon-- even today!

Love and hugs,